Friday, October 15, 2010

~4 degrees from the equator

My body and my subconscious are excepting the weather to have cooled off by now. It’s strange coming from a place with such distinct four seasons to one that is constantly hot. I regret missing the fall season, a time of year where nature’s beauty seems so precious, so delicate. A season when time’s passing moments seem most dramatic; where leaves change their shades with each day until they fall…and then disappear when the harsh winter takes over and out-stays it’s welcome.

I've been taking a break from traveling on the weekends and have spent the past few weekends enjoying the night life of Osu. Sometimes ill be at the bars and for a moment i'll forget where I am and I'll have to remind myself this is actually Ghana, not some bar in America or Europe. The night life in Osu (~20 minutes from where i live) is quite hoppin and i usually dont come home until well into the morning (5am usually). Now all i have to do is find the perfect balence between school, volunteering, traveling and partying.

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